Landscape Design

& gardening services

Landscape Design

& gardening services

Landscape Design

& gardening services

Landscape Design

& gardening services


B&M Greenhouse is a neighborhood garden center. We’re proud of our community here in Farmville, Virginia, and we want to share our love of gardening and growing with you. We offer locally grown annuals and perennials, vegetable plants and herbs, and a selection of fruit trees, shrubs and ornamental trees. Many of our plants are grown in our 24,000-square-foot greenhouse, so that we can offer plant varieties especially suited for this area. Services include landscaping consultation and planting, container repotting, plant rentals and a full line of indoor and outdoor gardening products. We take pride in our customer service — it’s the neighborly thing to do.

We’re your neighborhood greenhouse — growing for you

When you walk through the door of B&M Greenhouse, you can’t help but smile. It’s a place where neighbors meet to discuss everything from a landscaping project to planting a spring garden. Whatever your need, we’re ready to help. We’ve built our reputation on customer service, and we’re proud to say that our customers keep coming back. Yes, we’re neighbors, and it’s our goal to make our community a better place to live — one plant, tree or garden at a time.


B&M is the right choice

Quality plants with many grown in our greenhouse
Friendly and knowledgeable staff
Landscape planning and installation
Plant rentals for weddings and special occasions


What Our Customers Say

Three cheers for B&M Greenhouse!

They're the place to go for plants, the best advice and customer service. Over the years I have bought plants there – from asparagus to huge crape myrtles – and the quality has always been excellent. So has the instruction for ongoing plant care. If staff members think a plant won't grow in your garden, they will recommend something more appropriate. B&M is very community-oriented ...They're a treasure, and we are lucky to have them.

- Cynthia, Master Gardener -

I worked on my pond for years...

...and could never get it done right. I went to B&M Greenhouse, and they did it the way it should be done — an excellent job at a reasonable price.

- Jean Biggers, frequent customer -

I've been a customer for over 30 years.

B&M offers a good selection of high-quality plants that are well-grown and cared for properly. They carry selections of plants that simply are not available at mass merchandise chain stores.

- David Fowlkes, professional horticulturist -

Amazing, knowledgeable staff...

...that have never forgotten my name! I visit and purchase as much as possible. Love this place! Highly recommend – I promise, you won't be disappointed!

- Holly Dean Schlotterer, frequent customer -

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Visit us today

Address: 1822 Greenhouse Road, Farmville, VA 23901

B&M Greenhouse


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